Easy To Use
Love the app. It is easy to use and incredibly smart, with a great voice detection and intuitive results. I love how its even offered, what I mean is you can get chrome in an app and its more like a full internet page/provider and has all the bells and whistles but is a little more cumbersome to use (nothing wrong with that because its a full web port), anyway its like a full Survace provider and I use it for more detail "web trips" and task. Which makes this app more of a quick and really efficient "quick search" portal when I have a Curiosity or restaurant info as walking downtown and deciding on a whim to try a new restaurant, or even watching a show on TV or my favorite news program in the morning and one a quick answer to something.
Bottom line, its just a really cool and useful app that I regularly use everyday for a lot of daily task and quick info.
Doduble about Google, v38.0