Must have app for me
The pros:
1. The Google G board change my iPhone experience for the better! Being able to slide between characters to type makes Internet browsing and chatting with friends so much more enjoyable and faster.
2. Voice recognition is stellar. Are use it to define words, search the web for information/photos, and so much more.
3. App returns search results after voice question with a quick read of top hit which is usually very informative!
4. Stops me from having >20 tabs open at once, but saves browsing history so that I can go back and look if needed.
5. There is an easy share method to open a tab into another browser app so that I can look at something later.
6. I enjoy the games section, like solitaire or the Im feeling curious button; please make great diversions when Im between activities.
7. Built-in tools are super handy and that I dont have to have a bunch of other apps installed, such as the level tool, dice roller, unit/currency converters, translator, etc.
8. Weather, news, along summaries of my calendar, flights, arriving packages, etc. are all super handy information to have at a glance in one app.
Wilson.Sau about Google, v34.0